Dependency Packages
GalerkinToolkit.jl16Finite-element toolbox in Julia
NonconvexUtils.jl16Some convenient hacks when using Nonconvex.jl.
SimpleValueGraphs.jl16A LightGraphs.jl compatible graph package for graphs with multiple vertex, edge and graph metadata.
TMLE.jl16A pure Julia implementation of the Targeted Minimum Loss-based Estimation
Fibers.jl16Julia package for reconstructing fiber trajectories from multi-scale, multi-modal imaging data
UnfoldMakie.jl16Plotting tools for Unfold.jl based on Makie.jl and AlgebraOfGraphics.jl
AstrodynamicalModels.jl16Dynamical models used within astrodynamics and orbital mechanics!
LiftedTrajectoryGames.jl16A neural network accelerated solver for mixed-strategy solutions of trajectory games. Do you even lift?
SossMLJ.jl15SossMLJ makes it easy to build MLJ machines from user-defined models from the Soss probabilistic programming language
Tempo.jl15Efficient Astronomical Time transformations in Julia.
Anneal.jl15🔵 QUBO Annealing & Sampling MOI Interfaces
QMDP.jl15QMDP Solvers for POMDPs
MagmaThermoKinematics.jl15Package to simulate the thermal evolution of magmatic systems
LongwaveModePropagator.jl15Model the propagation of VLF radio waves in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide.
DelaySSAToolkit.jl15DelaySSAToolkit.jl: a tool in Julia for stochastic simulation with delays
Microstructure.jl15Julia package for microstructure imaging
QUBOTools.jl15🧬 Tools for Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization models in Julia
GraphNets.jl15Simple, blazing fast, message-passing graph neural network.
SkeelBerzins.jl15Solver for 1D nonlinear partial differential equations in Julia based on the collocation method of Skeel and Berzins and providing an API similar to MATLAB's pdepe
PlantSimEngine.jl15A simulation engine for models related to plants
Adversarial.jl15Adversarial attacks for Neural Networks written with FluxML
Atomistic.jl15Package that provides a integrated Julia workflow for molecular dyanmics simulations.
Fortuna.jl15A general-purpose Julia package for structural and system reliability analysis.
ControlSystemsMTK.jl15Interface between ControlSystems and ModelingToolkit
FactoredValueMCTS.jl15Scalable MCTS for team scenarios
ITensorMPS.jl15MPS and MPO methods based on ITensor (ITensors.jl)
AgentsExampleZoo.jl15Examples written with Agents.jl
DJUICE.jl15Differentiable JUlia ICE model
SARSOP.jl14Julia package that wraps the SARSOP software for solving POMDPs/MDPs
Hopfields.jl14Modern Hopfield layer implementations in Julia
SoleLogics.jl14Computational logic in Julia!
POMDPModelChecking.jl14Perform Model Checking and POMDP Planning from LTL specifications using POMDPs.jl
VertexSafeGraphs.jl14Wrapper on top of LightGraphs for preserving vertex numbering
BondGraphs.jl14Julia implementation of the bond graph framework
OptimizationBase.jl14The base package for Optimization.jl, containing the structs and basic functions for it.
StatisticalMeasures.jl14Measures (metrics) for statistics and machine learning
CommunityDetection.jl14Community Detection algorithms for LightGraphs
PowerModelsAnalytics.jl14Tools for the analysis and visualization of PowerModels data and results
DynamicMovementPrimitives.jl14Learning Dynamic Movement Primitives in Julia
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