Dependency Packages
ParticleScattering.jl4A Julia package for solving two-dimensional electromagnetic scattering from numerous particles
ParticleMDI.jl4A Julia package for integrative cluster analysis of multiple genomics datasets
ParticleCorrelations.jl4A package to calculate typical pair correlations, such as Percus-Yevick, and to calculate specific particle configurations from a given pair correlation.
DiscretePersistentHomologyTransform.jl4Implementation of the Persistent Homology Transform
OceanRasterConversions.jl4Modules to analyse ocean model output or observational data that are saved as Raster data structures.
SequencerJ.jl4Julia-language port of the Sequencer algorithm, originally developed in python ( The Sequencer finds trends in 1-dimensional data sets and has been used by its original authors for data analysis in astrophysics, seismology, image processing, etc. Contributions are welcome!
EmbeddingsAnalysis.jl4A package for embeddings processing
SensitivityAnalysis.jl4Julia package for numerical sensitivity analysis.
SeisReconstruction.jl4Seismic reconstruction tools for SeismicJulia project
DisjointCliqueCover.jl4Package to estimate a minimum edge-disjoint edge clique cover (EECC) of a graph
ElectronLiquid.jl4Effective field theory approach to the electron liquid problem
DIVAnd_HFRadar.jl4High Frequency radar data interpolation with DIVAnd
DMARCParser.jl4📦 Easily parse DMARC XML files into a more human-readable format with this high-performance Julia package.
OnlineLogBinning.jl4Julia package to determine effective number of uncorrelated data points in a correlated data stream via an O(log N) online binning algorithm.
AdaptiveDesignOptimization.jl4A Julia package for grid-based adaptive design optimization.
EffectSizes.jl4Effect size measures
SeisPDF.jl4Power Spectral Density Probability Density Functions Calculation in Julia.
EcologicalNetworksPlots.jl4Networks. Boil 'em mash 'em stick 'em in a stew. And now, plot 'em.
DPMMSubClustersStreaming.jl4Code for our AISTATS '22 paper "Sampling in Dirichlet Process Mixture Models for Clustering Streaming Data"
Duff.jl4Dependency aware feature selection
DyadicKDE.jl4Dyadic kernel density estimation in Julia
EBayes.jl4Empirical Bayes shrinkage in Julia
SeisBase.jl4A minimalist, platform-agnostic Julia package for univariate geophysical data.
EarthData.jl4Julia interface to
MathepiaModels.jl4Epidemic spatial and temporal model setup and simulation. Focusing on state of the art epidemiology models such as universal differential equations, epidemiology-informed deep learning models. Part of Mathepia.jl
DynamicBoundspODEsIneq.jl4Differential Inequality Algorithms for Parametric ODEs
SearchLightMySQL.jl4MySQL adapter for SearchLight
InfiniteRandomArrays.jl4Infinite random arrays in Julia.
InferenceReport.jl4Generate nice reports from MCMC-based approximations
MatrixProductBP.jl4Matrix Product Belief Propagation
Scalpels.jl4Scalpels algorithm
SBMLToolkitTestSuite.jl4Functions to run the SBML Test Suite with SBMLToolkit, create logs and create reports for the SBML Test Suite Database
ImplicitGraphs.jl4Implicitly defined graphs (possibly infinite)
AudioSchedules.jl4Schedule synthesizers!
MCMCDebugging.jl4MCMCDebugging.jl: debugging utilities for MCMC samplers
Aurora.jl4Empirical Bayes mean estimation with nonparametric errors via order statistic regression in Julia (
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