Dependency Packages
ImageHashes.jl6Perform image hashing in julia
FFmpegPipe.jl6Save videos from Julia
IndependentComponentAnalysis.jl6Fast implementations of FastICA and DUET for blind source separation
Repotomata.jl6Generates a cellular automata animation of the given GitHub repository.
Sentinel.jl6This is a Julia library for processing ESA Sentinel 2 satellite data.
CriticalDifferenceDiagrams.jl6Plot critical difference diagrams in Julia
AlgorithmicRecourseDynamics.jl6A Julia package for modelling Algorithmic Recourse Dynamics.
GtkUtilities.jl5Interactive utilities for the Gtk toolkit (Julia)
AstroPlot.jl5Astrophysical plotting interfaces for Julia
NeXLSpectrum.jl5EDS spectrum analysis tools within the NeXL toolset
EdgeCameras.jl5Julia implementation of Bouman et al.'s edge camera algorithm
SwissVAMyKnife.jl4Julia package for Light Based Tomographic Volumetric Additive Manufacturing.
CausalForest.jl4Causal forests following HTERF method and their interpretabilty
GeoDataPicker.jl4Tools to pick data in an interactive manner
PhysicsInformedML.jl3Physics-informed Machine Learning
GeoArtifacts.jl3Artifacts for Geospatial Data Science
KmerAnalysisMakie.jl3Makie recpies for visualising KmerAnalysis types and results.
PhysiologyAnalysis.jl3Julia package for opening and analyzing electrophysiological data
PolaronMakie.jl3Interactive visualisations for the variational polaron problem with Makie.
MPITestImages.jl3Test images for evaluating MPI simulation frameworks.
PolaronPathIntegrals.jl3An implementation of Feynman's variational path integral technique, written in Julia, for the determination of phenomenological properties of the electron in electronic materials.
QRCode.jl3The original version of written by jiegillet
NNHelferlein.jl3Little helpers for neural networks in the Knet ecosystem
BarnsleyFern.jl2To generate Barnsley Fern patterns
CanDecomp.jl2CanDecomp (CP) Tensor Decomposition
FinEtoolsVibInFluids.jl2Finite Element tools in Julia: Vibration of elastic solids partially or fully submerged in inviscid fluid
MicroTracker.jl2Microbot tracking and analysis with Julia.
NeuralGraphicsGL.jl2Helper OpenGL functionality
PixelArt.jl2Sample repository in
RemBG.jl2Julia implementation of the python package rembg
RenderJay.jl2A Julia-based path tracer
Superfluids.jl2Gross-Pitaevskii and Bogoliubov-de Gennes in 2D
MiseEnPage.jl1Analyze the layout of manuscript pages edited according to the conventions of the Homer Multitext project
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