Desktop Applications Packages
ErrorLineNumber.jl0Address line number bug in Julia 0.4 error reporting
Tuxedo.jl2Documentation-driven development
Hydra.jl4Hosted Multi-user IJulia distribution
Roxygen.jl2A Roxygen-like documentation package
GI.jl1GObject-introspection for julia
Table.jl1Display Tables in plain text, HTML, LaTex
XClipboard.jl2Xlib clipboard bindings for julia
DebuggingUtilities.jl25Simple utilities for debugging julia code
RR.jl2Julia interface to mozilla's rr
Qt5.jl1A wrapper around C++ library Qt5
IJuliaWidgets.jl2Interactive widgets for IJulia
JGUI.jl3Simplified interface for making GUIs in Julia
Lexicon.jl16Julia package documentation generator.
Docile.jl40Julia package documentation system.
ASTInterpreter2.jl41Re-write of ASTInterpreter for julia 0.6+
PySide.jl18Julia interface for accessing Qt via PyCall and PySide
GtkInteract.jl15Port of Interact.jl functionality with Gtk
Rebugger.jl171An expression-level debugger for Julia with a provocative command-line (REPL) user interface
Sherlock.jl58A high functioning package detective.
Glimmer.jl37A Julia package for UI development
Poptart.jl46π GUI programming in Julia based on CImGui.jl
GtkReactive.jl41Combining Reactive.jl with the Gtk toolkit
Canvas.jl8Julia package for interacting with the Canvas LMS REST API
ToggleableAsserts.jl24Assertions that can be turned on or off with a switch, with no runtime penalty when they're off.
IPython.jl9Run IPython inside Julia to exchange data interactively
Neptune.jl67Simple (Pluto-based) non-reactive notebooks for Julia
FloatingTableView.jl42Easy table viewing in a pop-up window in Julia
Atom.jl71Julia Client for Atom
TexTables.jl38Publication quality regression and statistical tables
Cobweb.jl46πΈοΈ Cobble together web content in Julia
Matte.jl72Julia-powered dashboards, inspired by Material Design
ElectronDisplay.jl85An Electron.jl based figure and table display.
Highlights.jl37A source code highlighter for Julia.
Remark.jl93Create markdown presentations from Julia
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