
Author vchuravy
2 Stars
Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
August 2023


A HashArrayMappedTrie or HAMT for short, is a data-structure that can be used efficient persistent hash tables.


dict = HAMT{Int, Int}()
dict[1] = 1
delete!(dict, 1)


dict = HAMT{Int, Int}()
dict = insert(dict, 1, 1)
dict = delete(dict, 1)

Robustness against hash collisions

The HAMT is robust to hash collision as long as they are not collection. As an example of a devious hash take.

mutable struct CollidingHash
Base.hash(::CollidingHash, h::UInt) = hash(UInt(0), h)

ch1 = CollidingHash()
ch2 = CollidingHash()

For all h hash(ch1, h) == hash(ch2, h). Base.Dict is robust under those hashes as well.

dict = Dict{CollidingHash, Nothing}()
dict[CollidingHash()] = nothing
dict[CollidingHash()] = nothing

# Dict{CollidingHash, Nothing} with 2 entries:
#  CollidingHash() => nothing
#  CollidingHash() => nothing

Whereas HAMT.

dict = HAMT{CollidingHash, Nothing}()
dict[CollidingHash()] = nothing
dict[CollidingHash()] = nothing
ERROR: Perfect hash collision detected

Required Packages

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