
Author vchuravy
17 Stars
Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
August 2023


Implement dynamically scoped values for Julia. This package was primarly inspired by ContextVariablesX.jl, it's corresponding pull-request to Julia base, and Java's JEPS446.

It has been submitted to Julia as a JULEP.


using ScopedValues

const svar = ScopedValue(1)

@show svar[]

# Enter a new dynamic scope and set value
with(svar => 2) do
    @show svar

# While a ScopedValue contents are constant
# You can store mutable values.
const svar_dict = ScopedValue(Dict())

# Important we are using `merge` to "unshare" the mutable values
# across the different views of the same scoped value.
with(svar_dict => merge(svar_dict[], Dict(:a => 10))) do
    @show svar_dict[][:a]

scoped values are inherited across tasks:

const LEVEL = ScopedValue(:GUEST)

function serve(request, response)
    level = isAdmin(request) ? :ADMIN : :GUEST
    with(LEVEL => level) do
        Threads.@spawn handle(request, respone)

function open(connection::Database)
    level = LEVEL[]
    if level !== :ADMIN
        error("Access disallowed")
    # ... open connection

function handle(request, response)
    # ...

Usage with logging

Before Julia 1.11, this package implements scoped variables by using a special "payload" logger (just like ContextVariablesX.jl). Therefore, changing the logger from within a dynamic scope can clobber the scoped values. To avoid this, use


as a replacement for Logging.with_logger. Likewise, if you need to access the logger, use


which will unwrap the special ScopedValues's "payload" logger to provide you with the actual logging-logger.

Note that there is no issue with setting a logger outside of the dynamic scope. For example, a common usage is to set the global logger at the start of the program (and to not change it mid-execution). In this case, there is no issue clash with ScopedValues.jl, and e.g. Logging.global_logger() may be used to set the logger. There is only concern when modifying or accessing the logger from within a dynamic scope provided by ScopedValues.jl (i.e. within a with block).

There is also no issue with logging to a logger (e.g. @info, etc), within a dynamic scope or elsewhere. ScopedValues "payload" logger will pass log messages through to the active logger.