Dependency Packages
RobotVisualizer.jl7Tools for robot visualization in Julia.
MPIReco.jl6Julia package for MPI reconstruction
IndependentComponentAnalysis.jl6Fast implementations of FastICA and DUET for blind source separation
SeparableFunctions.jl6Calculates multidimensional functions faster by exploiting their separability.
Sentinel.jl6This is a Julia library for processing ESA Sentinel 2 satellite data.
AlgorithmicRecourseDynamics.jl6A Julia package for modelling Algorithmic Recourse Dynamics.
Repotomata.jl6Generates a cellular automata animation of the given GitHub repository.
ImageHashes.jl6Perform image hashing in julia
CriticalDifferenceDiagrams.jl6Plot critical difference diagrams in Julia
FastGeoProjections.jl6A julia repository aimed a providing efficient geographic projections for production scale workflows
FFmpegPipe.jl6Save videos from Julia
ADI.jl6Algorithms for performing angular differential imaging (ADI)
Foresight.jl6A Makie theme
AreaInterpolation.jl5Interpolation between areas (polygons) in Julia
GtkUtilities.jl5Interactive utilities for the Gtk toolkit (Julia)
NeXLSpectrum.jl5EDS spectrum analysis tools within the NeXL toolset
EverySingleStreet.jl5Visualize your everysinglestreet challenge
PhaseSpaceIO.jl5Read and write IAEA phase space files
EdgeCameras.jl5Julia implementation of Bouman et al.'s edge camera algorithm
Polylabel.jl5Finds pole of inaccessibility for a given polygon. Based on Vladimir Agafonkin's
TIFFDatasets.jl5Read TIFF datasets with a similar API than NetCDF files
AstroPlot.jl5Astrophysical plotting interfaces for Julia
BasicTextRender.jl4Makes pixels from strings in a very basic way
BritishNationalGrid.jl4Convert between British National Grid coordinates and WGS84 longitude and latitude, in Julia
PhasedArray.jl4Create manifolds based on LUTs or ideal antennas. Get steering vectors depending on DOA and plot patterns
GeoDataPicker.jl4Tools to pick data in an interactive manner
CausalForest.jl4Causal forests following HTERF method and their interpretabilty
SpmGrids.jl4Analyze SPM grid spectroscopy data.
LaserTypes.jl4A common interface for different laser types
EarthEngineREST.jl3Julia package to send REST API requests to Google Earth Engine
CoherentTransformations.jl3Combines CoherentNoise.jl and ImageTransformations.jl to produce interesting image results.
PhysiologyAnalysis.jl3Julia package for opening and analyzing electrophysiological data
PhysicsInformedML.jl3Physics-informed Machine Learning
HCIToolbox.jl3Common utilities for high-contrast imaging
MPITestImages.jl3Test images for evaluating MPI simulation frameworks.
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