Dependency Packages
HuggingFaceDatasets.jl30A Julia package for interacting with the Hugging Face dataset repository.
Qaintessent.jl30Digital quantum circuit simulator written in Julia
AbstractOperators.jl30Abstract operators for large scale optimization in Julia
Dance.jl30Data science focused web framework
JacobiDavidson.jl30Jacobi-Davidson method in Julia
PowerGraphics.jl30A package to generate visualizations from PowerSimulations.jl results. Part of the Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning Initiative at the National Renewable Energy Lab.
GraphDataFrameBridge.jl30Tools for interoperability between DataFrame objects and LightGraphs and MetaGraphs objects
SteadyStateDiffEq.jl30Solvers for steady states in scientific machine learning (SciML)
QuasinormalModes.jl30A Julia package for computing discrete eigenvalues of second order ODEs
Controlz.jl30Simulation of simple controls problems in Julia
IndividualDisplacements.jl30Trajectory simulations for point particles in Ocean, Atmosphere, etc flow fields
JuMPChance.jl30A JuMP extension for probabilistic (chance) constraints
SparseArrayKit.jl30Sparse multidimensional arrays using a DOK format, with support for TensorOperations.jl
SurvivalAnalysis.jl30A survival analysis interface for Julia
Yields.jl30Composable contracts, models, and functions that allow for modeling of both simple and complex financial instruments
CmdStan.jl30CmdStan.jl v6 provides an alternative, older Julia wrapper to Stan's `cmdstan` executable. CmdStan will be deprecated in 2022.
PlanktonIndividuals.jl30This package simulates the behaviors of an ensemble of phytoplankton individuals.
QuantumDynamics.jl30Quantum dynamics simulation environment
FinanceModels.jl30Composable contracts, models, and functions that allow for modeling of both simple and complex financial instruments
BayesianLinearRegressors.jl30Bayesian Linear Regression in Julia
QuantumSavory.jl30A full stack simulator of quantum hardware, from the low-level analog physics to high-level network dynamics. Includes discrete event simulator, symbolic representation for quantum object, and works with many backend simulators.
NEOSServer.jl30A Julia interface for the NEOS Optimisation Server
TextModels.jl30Neural Network based models for Natural Language Processing
ChaoticEncryption.jl30Fast image encryption and decryption algorithms in Julia!
Microeconometrics.jl30Microeconometric estimation in Julia
DPFEHM.jl30DPFEHM: A Differentiable Subsurface Flow Simulator
GtkObservables.jl30Combine Gtk4.jl and Observables.jl for easier GUI development
RoboDojo.jl29A differentiable simulator for robotic systems.
KissABC.jl29Pure julia implementation of Multiple Affine Invariant Sampling for efficient Approximate Bayesian Computation
VisualRegressionTests.jl29Automated integrated regression tests for graphics libraries
Jacobi.jl29Jacobi polynomials and Gauss quadrature related functions
TrixiParticles.jl29TrixiParticles.jl: Particle-based multiphysics simulations in Julia
InteractiveFixedEffectModels.jl29Interactive Fixed Effect Models — Bai (2009)
ThinFilmsTools.jl29Tools for the design and characterisation of thin-films written in Julia.
DBnomics.jl29Access DBnomics data series from Julia.
StippleCharts.jl29StippleCharts is a library of reactive charts for Stipple.jl.
PotentialFlow.jl29A scaffolding for building inviscid flow models
ValueHistories.jl29Utilities to efficiently track learning curves or other optimization information
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