Dependency Packages
MetaICVI.jl2A Julia implementation of the Meta-ICVI method as a separate package.
Huginn.jl2Fast and flexible glacier ice flow models
MIRTio.jl2File I/O routines for MIRT
MPIArray4MoMs.jl2A Julia package for MPIArray of Method of Moments (MoM) and Multi-level Fast Multipole Algorithm (MLFMA).
MPIAsyncPools.jl2Distributing work over straggling workers using MPI
MRIGradients.jl2Julia version of MRI gradient descriptions and GIRF applications.
NetCDFTools.jl2NetCDF tools for CMIP6 data processing
FinEtoolsVibInFluids.jl2Finite Element tools in Julia: Vibration of elastic solids partially or fully submerged in inviscid fluid
FinEtoolsMultithreading.jl2Parallel finite element library
FinEtoolsMeshing.jl2Finite Element tools in Julia: Examples of meshing
OutlierDetectionData.jl2Easy way to use public outlier detection datasets with Julia
PALEOboxes.jl2Model coupler for the PALEO model framework
PALEOmodel.jl2PALEO framework modules (solvers, output, plots) for constructing standalone models
EMIRT.jl2Electronic Microscopy Image Reconstruction Toolbox using julia language
DiffusionGarnet.jl2Model coupled diffusion of major elements in garnet using natural data.
PySA.jl2JuMP wrapper for NASA PySA (ft QUBODrivers.jl)
Qwind.jl2Computation of UV line-driven winds in AGNs
CMDimData.jl2Parametric analysis/visualization +continuous-f(x) interpolation
ReducedComplexityModeling.jl2Data structures and general infrastructure for reduced complexity modeling in Julia
CliMADatasets.jl2Repository that containts climate relevant ML datasets from the Climate Modeling Alliance.
CanopyLayers.jl2Canopy radiation model
CanDecomp.jl2CanDecomp (CP) Tensor Decomposition
SideKicks.jl2Statistical Inference to DEtermine KICKS on compact objects
SIIP2Marmot.jl2This package connects PowerSimulation results to Marmot for plotting system results
BOMBs.jl2Repository for the Julia BOMBS package
SimSpin.jl2SimSpin - A package for the kinematic analysis of galaxy simulations
Sleipnir.jl2Core structures and tools for ODINN.jl
StochasticIntegrators.jl2Stochastic Numerical Integrators in Julia
Trixi2Img.jl2Create PDF/PNG images from 2D output files generated by Trixi.jl.
AiidaDFTK.jl2Julia-side implementation of the Aiida plugin of DFTK
OpticalFibers.jl1Julia package for Optical fibers
PathWeightSampling.jl1Julia implementation of Path Weight Sampling (PWS) to compute information transmission rates
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