Dependency Packages
NTFk.jl7Nonnegative Tensor Factorization + k-means clustering and physics constraints for Unsupervised and Physics-Informed Machine Learning
LiftAndLearn.jl7Julia Implementation of the nonintrusive model reduction approaches: Operator Inference (OpInf) and Lift & Learn (LnL)
NistyPQC.jl7Post-Quantum Cryptography for Julia
DickeModel.jl6A toolkit for the quantum and classical Dicke model in Julia.
GeometryOptimization.jl6Geometry optimization for molecular simulation
MessyTimeSeriesOptim.jl6A Julia implementation of estimation and validation algorithms for time series compatible with incomplete data.
Mehrotra.jl6Solver for complemetarity-based dynamics.
DrawSimpleGraphs.jl6Drawing functions for `SimpleGraphs`
QuantumMAMBO.jl6Many-body objects for quantum computing: a Julia implementation
PolynomialGTM.jl6An unofficial implementation of publicly available approximated polynomial models for NASA's Generic Transport Model aircraft.
BlochSimulators.jl6Julia package for performing Bloch simulations within the context of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
KdotP.jl6Symmetry-allowed k ⋅ p expansions
ComputerAdaptiveTesting.jl6Modular/extensible Julia library for Computer Adaptive Tests
JetPackWaveFD.jl6Jet operator pack for seismic modeling dependent on WaveFD.jl. Part of the COFII framework.
MPIReco.jl6Julia package for MPI reconstruction
SourceCodeMcCormick.jl6Experimental Approach to McCormick Relaxation Source-Code Transformation
SphericalFourierBesselDecompositions.jl5Code for cosmological SFB analysis.
ActiveInference.jl5Julia Package for Active Inference
BaseModelica.jl5Importers for the BaseModelica standard into the Julia ModelingToolkit ecosystem
CodingTheory.jl5Pure Julia implementation of tools used in Coding Theory
COSMA.jl5Wrapper for COSMA: Distributed Communication-Optimal Matrix-Matrix Multiplication Algorithm
CryptoGroups.jl5Groups for cryptographic applications
CryptoUtils.jl5Cryptography and number-theory primitives in Julia
DecomposingPolynomialSystems.jl5DecomposingPolynomialSystems.jl is a Julia package that decomposes (simplifies) a given polynomial system using tools from numerical algebraic geometry.
GeometricProblems.jl5Example problems for GeometricIntegrators.jl
Mazes.jl5Create grid mazes
ModularSquareRoots.jl5Modular square roots in Julia
MoM_AllinOne.jl5A Julia package for integration of packages of Method of Moments (MoM) and Multi-level Fast Multipole Algorithm (MLFMA).
MoM_MPI.jl5MPI based parallel for method of moments (MoM) and MLFMA (
RationalGenerators.jl5Iterate positive rational numbers without repetition
ReliabilityOptimization.jl5Reliability-based optimization
SafetySignalDetection.jl5Bayesian Safety Signal Detection in Julia
SimplePolynomials.jl5Basic polynomials with exact coefficients
SubspaceInference.jl5Subspace Inference package for uncertainty analysis in deep neural networks and neural ordinary differential equations using Julia
ThresholdStability.jl5Stability Tools for Threshold Vector Autoregressive Models
TransportBasedInference.jl5A repository for adaptive transport maps
RMLImaging.jl4A Julia package to provide RML imaging methods for high-resolution radio interferometry
Pioran.jl4Power spectrum inference of irregularly sampled time series using Gaussian Processes in Julia
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