Dependency Packages
BraketAHS.jl18Simulating Rydberg atom dynamics with Tensor Networks
MOSLab.jl18From Semiconductor to TransistorLevel Modeling in Julia
FMIImport.jl18FMIImport.jl implements the import functionalities of the FMI-standard ( for the Julia programming language. FMIImport.jl provides the foundation for the Julia packages FMI.jl and FMIFlux.jl.
TransformerBlocks.jl18Simple, blazing fast, transformer components.
AlgebraicInference.jl18Bayesian inference on wiring diagrams.
MeshGraphNets.jl18MeshGraphNets.jl is a software package for the Julia programming language that provides an implementation of the MeshGraphNets framework by Google DeepMind for simulating mesh-based physical systems via graph neural networks.
PowerModelsONM.jl18An optimization library for the operation and restoration of electric power distribution feeders featuring networked microgrids
YaoCompiler.jl18The Yao compiler project
RobustShortestPath.jl18Julia package for finding robust shortest paths
EcologicalNetworksDynamics.jl18A simulator for ecological dynamics written in Julia.
SGtSNEpi.jl18Julia bindings to SG-t-SNE-Π
CellBasedModels.jl18Julia package for multicellular modeling
KiteSimulators.jl17Simulators for kite power systems
PoreMatMod.jl17A find-and-replace tool for crystal structure models. implements (i) subgraph matching and (ii) point set alignment to search a parent crystal for a query fragment, then align and install a replacement fragment in its place.
Spot.jl17Julia wrapper for the Spot LTL and automata manipulation library
TimeDag.jl17A computational graph for time-series processing.
ReactiveDynamics.jl17A Julia package that implements a category of reaction (transportation) network-type dynamical systems.
Gogeta.jl17Representing machine learning models using mathematical programming
SpinDoctor.jl17Diffusion MRI Simulation Toolbox in Julia
UncertainData.jl17Working efficiently with datasets where observations have associated uncertainties.
BioformatsLoader.jl17A julia package to load images using bioformats
Nclusion.jl17Scalable nonparametric clustering with unified marker gene selection for single-cell RNA-seq data
NeuralGraphPDE.jl17Integrating Neural Ordinary Differential Equations, the Method of Lines, and Graph Neural Networks
Jchemo.jl17Tools for chemometrics and machine learning on high-dimensional data (e.g. Partial least squares regression/discrimination)
Argos.jl17Reduced-space optimization, for optimal power flow.
LowRankIntegrators.jl17Package for approximation of solutions to matrix differential equations or time-dependent matrices via dynamically evolving low rank decomposition.
RAPIDS.jl17An unofficial Julia wrapper for the ecosystem using PythonCall.jl
OVERT.jl17Relational piecewise-linear overapproximations of multi-dimensional functions
NighttimeLights.jl16Package to analyse VIIRS nighttime lights
UnitDiskMapping.jl16Reduce several arbitrary-connectivity optimization problems into maximum independent set problems on a grid
GraphsMatching.jl16Matching algorithms for Graphs.jl
GIRFReco.jl16An Open-Source End-to-End Pipeline for Spiral Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) Reconstruction in Julia
GalerkinToolkit.jl16Finite-element toolbox in Julia
SimpleValueGraphs.jl16A LightGraphs.jl compatible graph package for graphs with multiple vertex, edge and graph metadata.
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