Dependency Packages
FlightGNC.jl4A Julia package containing GNC algorithms for autonomous aerospace systems
GeoLearning.jl4Geostatistical learning solvers for the GeoStats.jl framework
GeostatInversion.jl4Geostatistical Inversion
ImplicitGraphs.jl4Implicitly defined graphs (possibly infinite)
LightLattices.jl4Lazy interface to lattices with arbitrary unit cells.
LopShelve.jl4Julia implementation of Python Shelve
MagnonPhononHybridization.jl4Magnon-phonon hybridized system.
MatrixProductBP.jl4Matrix Product Belief Propagation
MCMCTesting.jl4Hypothesis Tests for Validating MCMC Kernels
MetaImageFormat.jl4Support for reading MetaImage files in Julia
MonteCarloObservable.jl4Observable for Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations
MultiStateSystems.jl4A Julia package to solve multi-state system models, often found in reliability engineering.
Netpbm.jl4Load and save Netpbm images in Julia
NgSpice.jl4This package wraps NgSpice for Julia users
ParticleCorrelations.jl4A package to calculate typical pair correlations, such as Percus-Yevick, and to calculate specific particle configurations from a given pair correlation.
PerronFrobenius.jl4Estimating the transfer operator (Perron Frobenius operator) and invariant measures from time series.
QuasiGrad.jl4This package provides access to the QuasiGrad solver, developed for the 3rd ARPA-E Grid Optimization (GO) Challenge.
Reproject.jl4Julia-based Astronomical image reprojection
SodShockTube.jl4A pure-julia Sod shock tube problem
StableSpectralElements.jl4StableSpectralElements.jl: Provably stable discontinuous spectral-element methods for conservation laws
TreatmentPanels.jl4Utilities for turning DataFrames into panel-like data structures for use in causal inference models
Acquisition.jl4Acquire GNSS signals
AlignedSpans.jl4Helpers for continuous <-> discrete indexing
AndorSIF.jl4Read Andor SIF file in Julia
Biofilm.jl4This package models the dynamics of a biofilm using the Julia programming language.
DataPipeline.jl4Julia implementation of the FAIR Data Pipeline API
DynamicBoundspODEsIneq.jl4Differential Inequality Algorithms for Parametric ODEs
EarthData.jl4Julia interface to
EcologicalNetworksPlots.jl4Networks. Boil 'em mash 'em stick 'em in a stew. And now, plot 'em.
EulerLagrange.jl4Code generation for Euler-Lagrange equations.
FlowWorkspace.jl4Load useful metadata from FlowJo workspace files such as gating strategies and sample groups
GasChem.jl4Models of gas-phase atmospheric chemistry and related processes
GCPDecompositions.jl4Generalized CP Tensor Decompositions
GeoDataPicker.jl4Tools to pick data in an interactive manner
GeometricalOptics.jl4A simple, compact, and extensible tool for optical raytrace evaluation in the Julia Programming Language.
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