46 Packages since 2014
User Packages
SimpleRationalFunctions.jl0Exact rational functions
SimpleQuaternions.jl1Basic implementation of Hamilton's quaternions
SimplePadics.jl1Nicely formatted p-adic numbers.
FlexLinearAlgebra.jl1Flexible vectors and matrices for Julia
Clines.jl1Circles and lines in the plane
TwentyFour.jl1Julia code to solve Twenty Four puzzles
SimpleTools.jl1Miscellaneous code useful for my SimpleWorld
SimpleRandom.jl1Collection of Julia functions to make random things
BigCombinatorics.jl2Combinatorial functions that always return a BigInt
HyperbolicPlane.jl2Implementation of basic hyperbolic geometry (Poincare disc model)
ShowSet.jl2Nicer output for Set and BitSet objects in Julia.
SimpleGF2.jl2An implementation of arithmetic in GF(2)
SimpleGraphConverter.jl2Convert between graphs defined in Graphs and SimpleGraphs
AbstractLattices.jl2Abstract lattice functions meet and join, with symbols \wedge and \vee
DiscreteFunctions.jl2Functions to/from {1,2,...,n}
LinearFractionalTransformations.jl2Linear fractional transformations of the (extended) complex plane.
PlayingCards52.jl2Standard deck of 52 playing cards
RingLists.jl2Circular lists
SimpleLife.jl2Conway's Game of Life
Spirograph.jl2Julia implementation of a spirograph
SimplePartitions.jl3Module for set partitions
ChooseOptimizer.jl3Tool to select different optimization engines and set options.
LatinSquares.jl3Creating Latin squares and pairs of orthogonal Latin squares
ImplicitGraphs.jl3Implicitly defined graphs (possibly infinite)
SimplePosetAlgorithms.jl3Additional algorithms for the SimplePoset type.
SimplePolynomials.jl3Basic polynomials with exact coefficients
ClosedIntervals.jl3Closed intervals of the form [a,b].
SimpleDrawing.jl4Convenient drawing tools derived from Plots
SimpleTropical.jl4Julia implementation of tropical arithmetic
Mazes.jl4Create grid mazes
RationalGenerators.jl4Iterate positive rational numbers without repetition
Counters.jl4Count things easily.
PythagoreanTriples.jl4Pythagorean Triples
Sudoku.jl5Solve Sudoku puzzles using integer programming
DrawSimpleGraphs.jl6Drawing functions for `SimpleGraphs`
SimpleWorld.jl6Package to load all my other "Simple" packages
SimplePosets.jl8Simple partially ordered sets for Julia
SimpleGraphAlgorithms.jl9Additional algorithms for the `SimpleGraphs` module that rely on integer programming
RiemannComplexNumbers.jl9Reimplemented complex arithmetic in Julia with a single infinity and NaN.
Multisets.jl14Finite multisets in Julia
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