Dependency Packages
Population.jl5A dynamically-structured matrix population model
FlightGNC.jl4A Julia package containing GNC algorithms for autonomous aerospace systems
Acquisition.jl4Acquire GNSS signals
ComradeBase.jl4Defines the minimal interface for Comrade so people can add their own models
ZonalFlow.jl4Simulating zonal flows on the β-plane.
EulerLagrange.jl4Code generation for Euler-Lagrange equations.
ConvolutionalOperatorLearning.jl4Learn multi-dimensional convolutional analysis operators (i.e., sparsifying filters) from data.
RandomizedDiagonalEstimation.jl4Julia Package for randomized diagonal estimation of matrices and matrix functions
BlockHaloArrays.jl4An array-like type to facilitate domain decomposition for shared-memory workloads in Julia
Biofilm.jl4This package models the dynamics of a biofilm using the Julia programming language.
SoleDecisionTreeInterface.jl4Sole interface for trees trained via JuliaAI/DecisionTree.jl.
TensND.jl4Package allowing tensor calculations in arbitrary coordinate systems.
Solaris.jl4Lightweight module for fusing physical and neural models
ModelMiner.jl4One package to train them all
ExponentialFamilyManifolds.jl4Manifolds for the natural parameters of members of the exponential family of distributions
SlidingDistancesBase.jl4Defines distance_profile and utilities
PeriodicSystems.jl4Linear periodic time-varying systems tools in Julia
PerronFrobenius.jl4Estimating the transfer operator (Perron Frobenius operator) and invariant measures from time series.
Pesto.jl4Phylogenetic Estimation of Shifts in the Tempo of Origination
ExtendableFEM.jl4High Level API Finite Element Methods based on ExtendableGrids and ExtendableFEMBase
BasicTextRender.jl4Makes pixels from strings in a very basic way
LoopTools.jl4Julia wrapper of LoopTools for computing one-loop integrals
TinnitusReconstructor.jl4Reverse correlation using linear regression and compressed sensing for uncovering the psychoacoustic tinnitus spectrum
AutomationLabsModelPredictiveControl.jl4Advanced process control for AutomationLabs
SIMDDualNumbers.jl4Improves dual numbers support for SIMD use of ForwardDiff.jl.
QuasiGrad.jl4This package provides access to the QuasiGrad solver, developed for the 3rd ARPA-E Grid Optimization (GO) Challenge.
PhyloGaussianBeliefProp.jl4Analysis of Gaussian models on phylogenetic networks using belief propagation (aka message passing)
MCMCDebugging.jl4MCMCDebugging.jl: debugging utilities for MCMC samplers
F1Method.jl4F-1 method
AutomationLabsIdentification.jl4Dynamical systems identification
DIVAnd_HFRadar.jl4High Frequency radar data interpolation with DIVAnd
QSFit.jl4QSO spectral fitting made easy!
DynamicBoundspODEsIneq.jl4Differential Inequality Algorithms for Parametric ODEs
GasChem.jl4Models of gas-phase atmospheric chemistry and related processes
SBMLToolkitTestSuite.jl4Functions to run the SBML Test Suite with SBMLToolkit, create logs and create reports for the SBML Test Suite Database
Pioran.jl4Power spectrum inference of irregularly sampled time series using Gaussian Processes in Julia
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