Dependency Packages
EllipticalSliceSampling.jl13Julia implementation of elliptical slice sampling.
GraphMatFun.jl13Computation graphs for matrix functions
BasisFunctions.jl13A collection of methods for manipulating various well-known types of basis functions and recombining them into more general dictionaries
GraphMLDatasets.jl13A library for machine learning datasets on graph
BayesianQuadrature.jl13Is there anything we can't make Bayesian?
IPMeasures.jl13Implementation of Integral Probability Measures in Julia
NMFk.jl13Nonnegative Matrix Factorization + k-means clustering and physics constraints for Unsupervised and Physics-Informed Machine Learning
AuditoryStimuli.jl13Generate audiory stimuli
MTH229.jl13Helper files for using `Julia` with MTH229.
DimensionalPlotRecipes.jl13High dimensional numbers and reductions recipes for data visualization of scientific machine learning (SciML)
PossibilisticArithmetic.jl13Julia package for performing rigorous arithmetic of Imprecise Probabilities with fuzzy numbers
SmoothLocalProjections.jl13Julia implementation of Smooth Local Projections (SLP)
ARules.jl13Julia package for association rule learning
EmpiricalDistributions.jl13Empirical probability distributions in Julia
PowerModelsITD.jl13Integrated Transmission and Distribution Optimization
DataAssimilationBenchmarks.jl13Package Information and Documentation
GCIdentifier.jl13Tools to perform group contribution (GC) identification, given the SMILES of a compound
MechanismGeometries.jl13Parsing and generation of 3D geometries for robot mechanisms in Julia
Cumulants.jl13Multivariate cumulants of any order
ProtPlot.jl13Protein ribbon plots implemented in Julia using Makie
ABCDMatrixOptics.jl13Implementation fo ray transfer matrix analysis for optical beams
ThreeBodyProblem.jl13An astrodynamics package for working in the three body problem
GModelFit.jl13A data-driven model fitting framework
ThermodynamicIntegration.jl13Thermodynamic Integration for Turing models and more
GroupedErrors.jl13Population data analysis in Julia
ModelWrappers.jl13ModelWrappers.jl is a utility package that makes it easier to work with Model parameters stated as (nested) NamedTuples.
StructuralDynamicsODESolvers.jl13Numerical integration methods for structural dynamics problems
SqpSolver.jl12A sequential quadratic programming solver in Julia
GitForge.jl12Unified interface for interacting with Git forges
Juice.jl12The Juice package for circuits in artificial intelligence, both logic and probabilistic
UnitfulChainRules.jl12ChainRules.jl integration for Unitful.jl
FFTInterpolations.jl12A package for FFT based interpolations of N-dimensional arrays.
DASKR.jl12Interface to DASKR, a differential algebraic system solver for the SciML scientific machine learning ecosystem
ShapesOfVariables.jl12Duality of view between named variables and flat vectors in Julia
Polynomials4ML.jl12Polynomials for ML: fast evaluation, batching, differentiation
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