Dependency Packages
FactoredValueMCTS.jl15Scalable MCTS for team scenarios
SossMLJ.jl15SossMLJ makes it easy to build MLJ machines from user-defined models from the Soss probabilistic programming language
EconomicScenarioGenerators.jl15Status: Technical Preview
CalibrationErrors.jl15Estimation of calibration errors.
LinearFitXYerrors.jl15Linear Regression with errors in both X and Y, correlated or not, confidence intervals and plots.
DJUICE.jl15Differentiable JUlia ICE model
ShellModel.jl15Julia code for nuclear shell-model calculations
Atomistic.jl15Package that provides a integrated Julia workflow for molecular dyanmics simulations.
DelaySSAToolkit.jl15DelaySSAToolkit.jl: a tool in Julia for stochastic simulation with delays
GeoStatsImages.jl15Training images for geostastical simulation
ArgoData.jl15Argo data processing and analysis
AgentsExampleZoo.jl15Examples written with Agents.jl
TransitionalMCMC.jl15Implementation of Transitional Markov Chain Monte Carlo (TMCMC) in Julia.
ControlSystemsMTK.jl15Interface between ControlSystems and ModelingToolkit
NeutralLandscapes.jl15Generation of neutral landscapes in Julia.
SimulationBasedInference.jl15A flexible toolkit for simulation based inference in Julia
Microstructure.jl15Julia package for microstructure imaging
Fortuna.jl15A general-purpose Julia package for structural and system reliability analysis.
RegressionDiscontinuity.jl15Estimation for sharp regression discontinuity designs.
QMDP.jl15QMDP Solvers for POMDPs
WaterFlows.jl14Julia package for hydrological modelling
SARSOP.jl14Julia package that wraps the SARSOP software for solving POMDPs/MDPs
BayesianExperiments.jl14Bayesian AB testing experiments.
Chron.jl14A model framework for the interpretation of mineral age spectra in stratigraphic context
LSHFunctions.jl14Locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) in Julia.
AutomotiveVisualization.jl14Visualize automotive simulation from AutomotiveSimulator.jl
TrainSpikingNet.jl14Train a spiking recurrent neural network
StatisticalMeasures.jl14Measures (metrics) for statistics and machine learning
BondGraphs.jl14Julia implementation of the bond graph framework
DifferentialEvolutionMCMC.jl14A Julia package for Differential Evolution MCMC
DifferentiableExpectations.jl14A Julia package for differentiating through expectations with Monte-Carlo estimates
AdaptiveFilters.jl14Classical adaptive linear filters in Julia
OptimizationBase.jl14The base package for Optimization.jl, containing the structs and basic functions for it.
DAMMmodel.jl14Visualisation, output and fitting of the DAMM model
POMDPModelChecking.jl14Perform Model Checking and POMDP Planning from LTL specifications using POMDPs.jl
ConsensusBasedX.jl14A Julia package for consensus-based optimisation
StableDistributions.jl14Generation and estimation of stable distributions
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