Dependency Packages
Turing.jl2026Bayesian inference with probabilistic programming.
NeuralPDE.jl966Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINN) Solvers of (Partial) Differential Equations for Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) accelerated simulation
DiffEqTutorials.jl713Tutorials for doing scientific machine learning (SciML) and high-performance differential equation solving with open source software.
Optimization.jl712Mathematical Optimization in Julia. Local, global, gradient-based and derivative-free. Linear, Quadratic, Convex, Mixed-Integer, and Nonlinear Optimization in one simple, fast, and differentiable interface.
ITensors.jl521A Julia library for efficient tensor computations and tensor network calculations
GeoStats.jl506An extensible framework for geospatial data science and geostatistical modeling fully written in Julia
AlgebraOfGraphics.jl421Combine ingredients for a plot
Soss.jl414Probabilistic programming via source rewriting
MixedModels.jl402A Julia package for fitting (statistical) mixed-effects models
RxInfer.jl260Julia package for automated Bayesian inference on a factor graph with reactive message passing
StochasticAD.jl199Research package for automatic differentiation of programs containing discrete randomness.
BAT.jl198A Bayesian Analysis Toolkit in Julia
TuringModels.jl163Implementations of the models from the Statistical Rethinking book with Turing.jl
TypedTables.jl146Simple, fast, column-based storage for data analysis in Julia
SplitApplyCombine.jl145Split-apply-combine strategies for Julia
PastaQ.jl142Package for Simulation, Tomography and Analysis of Quantum Computers
StatsKit.jl139Convenience meta-package to load essential packages for statistics
Kinetic.jl122Universal modeling and simulation of fluid mechanics upon machine learning. From the Boltzmann equation, heading towards multiscale and multiphysics flows.
DiffEqBayes.jl121Extension functionality which uses Stan.jl, DynamicHMC.jl, and Turing.jl to estimate the parameters to differential equations and perform Bayesian probabilistic scientific machine learning
ZigZagBoomerang.jl100Sleek implementations of the ZigZag, Boomerang and other assorted piecewise deterministic Markov processes for Markov Chain Monte Carlo including Sticky PDMPs for variable selection
EasyModelAnalysis.jl79High level functions for analyzing the output of simulations
SolidStateDetectors.jl77Solid state detector field and charge drift simulation in Julia
Pathfinder.jl75Preheat your MCMC
Tilde.jl75WIP successor to Soss.jl
TuringGLM.jl71Bayesian Generalized Linear models using `@formula` syntax.
Quantica.jl68Simulation of quantum systems on a lattice
Turkie.jl68Turing + Makie = Turkie
CalculusWithJulia.jl57Support package for doing Calculus with Julia
BioMakie.jl56Plotting and interface tools for biology.
ITensorNetworks.jl55A package with general tools for working with higher-dimensional tensor networks based on ITensor.
Sophon.jl54Efficient, Accurate, and Streamlined Training of Physics-Informed Neural Networks
Survey.jl53Analysis of complex surveys
ITensorTDVP.jl52Time dependent variational principle (TDVP) of MPS based on ITensors.jl.
AcceleratedArrays.jl48Arrays with acceleration indices
Microbiome.jl47For analysis of microbiome and microbial community data
Unfold.jl46Neuroimaging (EEG, fMRI, pupil ...) regression analysis in Julia
AeroMDAO.jl43A toolbox meant for aircraft design analyses.
AeroFuse.jl43A toolbox meant for aircraft design analyses.
PerfChecker.jl41A small collection of semi-automatic performance checking tools
InformationGeometry.jl40Methods for computational information geometry
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