Dependency Packages
TheNumberLine.jl4The Number Line is a common teaching tool for Math classes (K-12)
IsingSolvers.jl4🧲Ising Model solvers in Julia
PolynomialAmoebas.jl4Package to compute Amoebas in 2 and 3 variables.
ITensorLattices.jl4Library for generating and visualizing lattices for use in constructing Hamiltonians
RMLImaging.jl4A Julia package to provide RML imaging methods for high-resolution radio interferometry
XPORTA.jl4A Julia wrapper for the PORTA polyhedral analysis software.
MetapopulationDynamics.jl4Population dynamics across space, in Julia.
WGPUCompute.jl4Compute shaders interface for WGPU from julia
ExtendableFEM.jl4High Level API Finite Element Methods based on ExtendableGrids and ExtendableFEMBase
SpmGrids.jl4Analyze SPM grid spectroscopy data.
LandsatExplorer.jl3A pure Julia package for querying and downloading Landsat data.
KmerAnalysisMakie.jl3Makie recpies for visualising KmerAnalysis types and results.
KeplerGL.jl3Geospatial Visualization in Julia via
MPITestImages.jl3Test images for evaluating MPI simulation frameworks.
MultiData.jl3Multimodal datasets for Machine-Learning
OptimizedEinsum.jl3Julia rewrite of opt_einsum Python package
PolaronMakie.jl3Interactive visualisations for the variational polaron problem with Makie.
PolaronPathIntegrals.jl3An implementation of Feynman's variational path integral technique, written in Julia, for the determination of phenomenological properties of the electron in electronic materials.
GeoArtifacts.jl3Artifacts for Geospatial Data Science
ForTheBadge.jl3A package to build logos in the style of ForTheBadge
RasterHistograms.jl3Empirical distribution fitting for Rasters.jl.
EHTImages.jl3A Julia package to handle high dimensional astronomy image data sets for radio interferometry
EarthEngineREST.jl3Julia package to send REST API requests to Google Earth Engine
DeferredAcceptance.jl3A Julia implementation of several tools for solving school-choice problems and computing equilibria in nonatomic school-choice markets.
CorticalParcels.jl3A Julia package supplying abstractions and operations for efficiently working with parcels, or regions of interest, on a CorticalSurface
ClimateERA.jl3Julia package to download and analyse ECMWF reanalysis data, with some calculations for other variables thrown in.
BellPolytopes.jl3This julia package addresses the membership problem for local polytopes: it constructs Bell inequalities and local models in multipartite Bell scenarios with binary outcomes.
AoGExtensions.jl3Extensions for AlgebraOfGraphics.jl
AlgorithmicCompetition.jl3Computational models of algorithmic competition
WellKnownGeometry.jl3Reading and writing Well Known Text (WKT) and Well Known Binary (WKB)
LibFaceDetection.jl3Wrapper for
MicroscopyLabels.jl2Easily embed annotations in your microscopy images
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