Dependency Packages
BifurcationInference.jl27Learning state-space targets in dynamical systems
QSimulator.jl27Unitary and Lindbladian evolution in Julia
ParameterEstimation.jl27ParameterEstimation.jl is a Julia package for estimating parameters and initial conditions of ODE models given measurement data.
ToQUBO.jl27🟦 JuMP ToQUBO Automatic Reformulation
BosonSampling.jl26Boson sampling tools for Julia
ReactionNetworkImporters.jl26Julia Catalyst.jl importers for various reaction network file formats like BioNetGen and stoichiometry matrices
PenaltyFunctions.jl26Julia package of regularization functions for machine learning
BSplines.jl26A Julia package for working with B-splines
GeoStatsBase.jl26Base package for the GeoStats.jl framework
SOM.jl26Kohonen's self-organising maps for Julia
SkyCoords.jl26Astronomical coordinate systems in Julia
ClimaOcean.jl26🌎 Tools for realistic regional-to-global ocean simulations, and coupled ocean + sea-ice simulations based on Oceananigans and ClimaSeaIce. Basis for the ocean and sea-ice component of CliMA's Earth system model.
NuclearToolkit.jl26NuclearToolkit.jl: Julia package for nuclear structure calculations
AlgamesDriving.jl26A set of tools to quickly generate and visualize autonomous driving scenarios for Algames.jl.
KadanoffBaym.jl26Adaptive numerical solution of Kadanoff-Baym equations
ElasticSurfaceEmbedding.jl25The weaving paper strips: shape optimization by geometric elasticity
GeoTables.jl25Geospatial tables compatible with the GeoStats.jl framework
ComplexPhasePortrait.jl25Complex phase portraits for Julia.
StochasticDelayDiffEq.jl25Stochastic delay differential equations (SDDE) solvers for the SciML scientific machine learning ecosystem
TernaryPlots.jl25Ternary/simplex plotting recipe/addon for Plots.jl
SimpleDistributionPowerFlow.jl25Powerflow for unbalanced three-phase power distribution systems with distributed generation
TestImages.jl25Commonly used test images
ProjectManagement.jl25Project Management tools, with a particular focus on PERT charts
DependentBootstrap.jl25Statistical bootstrap procedures for time-series data
Sound.jl25Provide `sound` & `record` functions for playing & recording audio in Julia. Also Julia version of phase vocoder.
FLOWPanel.jl25Three-dimensional panel method for low-speed aerodynamics
Express.jl25Express: a high-level, extensible workflow framework for accelerating ab initio calculations for the materials science community
ThreeBodyTB.jl25Accurate and fast tight-binding calculations, using pre-fit coefficients and three-body terms.
MriResearchTools.jl25Specialized tools for MRI
ImplicitPlots.jl25Julia package for the plotting of plane curves and surfaces
ClimaCoupler.jl25ClimaCoupler: bringing atmosphere, land, and ocean together
DiffEqFinancial.jl25Differential equation problem specifications and scientific machine learning for common financial models
NeuronBuilder.jl24Builds conductance based neural networks iteratively, from ion channels and synapses
HurdleDMR.jl24Hurdle Distributed Multinomial Regression (HDMR) implemented in Julia
MendelImpute.jl24OpenMendel package for haplotyping and imputation
CollectiveSpins.jl24Simulate quantum systems consisting of many spins interacting via dipole-dipole interaction
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