Dependency Packages
ExtendableFEM.jl4High Level API Finite Element Methods based on ExtendableGrids and ExtendableFEMBase
SimpleCrop.jl3🌱 example of DSSAT-like crop model written in Cropbox
AlgorithmicCompetition.jl3Computational models of algorithmic competition
AntennaPattern.jl3Antenna data import and processing.
AoGExtensions.jl3Extensions for AlgebraOfGraphics.jl
BLASBenchmarksGPU.jl3Benchmark BLAS libraries on GPUs
Dyn3d.jl32d/3d rigid body dynamics solver
EasyPlotting.jl3Graphical/statistical plotting GUI package for quick data visualisation and exploration.
KeplerGL.jl3Geospatial Visualization in Julia via
KmerAnalysisMakie.jl3Makie recpies for visualising KmerAnalysis types and results.
PhysicsInformedML.jl3Physics-informed Machine Learning
PolaronMakie.jl3Interactive visualisations for the variational polaron problem with Makie.
PolaronPathIntegrals.jl3An implementation of Feynman's variational path integral technique, written in Julia, for the determination of phenomenological properties of the electron in electronic materials.
LassoPlot.jl2Plots regularization paths generated by Lasso.jl
DegreesOfFreedom.jl2Julia package for "Degrees of Freedom: Search Cost and Self-consistency"
TopologyPreprocessing.jl2Julia module for topology preprocessing of images and videos
ObservablePmap.jl2Observe progress and status of individual workers in pmap
StatisticalRethinkingPlots.jl2Plots based plotting functions for StatisticalRethinking
BOMBs.jl2Repository for the Julia BOMBS package
MicroTracker.jl2Microbot tracking and analysis with Julia.
BarnsleyFern.jl2To generate Barnsley Fern patterns
AutomationLabsDepot.jl2Warehouse for dynamical systems identification and control
RetentionParameterEstimator.jl2Estimation of thermodynamic parameters for the interaction of analytes with a stationary phase in GC.
StippleMarkdown.jl2Render Markdown text in your Genie apps
StippleMathjs.jl2Support of mathjs and complex numbers in Stipple
ElectronTests.jl2Common utilities for testing JSServe apps with Electron
Superfluids.jl2Gross-Pitaevskii and Bogoliubov-de Gennes in 2D
Peccon.jl2The julia library for the peccon project
Tachyons.jl2A wrapper for Tachyons CSS framework
DiffEqBayesStan.jl2Stan only version of DiffEqBayes.jl
RadiationPatterns.jl2RadiationPatterns.jl is a Julia package designed for visualizing radiation patterns using PlotlyJS.jl.
Spehulak.jl1GenAI observability application in Julia
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