Dependency Packages
KissABC.jl29Pure julia implementation of Multiple Affine Invariant Sampling for efficient Approximate Bayesian Computation
AdaptiveMCMC.jl29Implementation of some simple adaptive MCMC algorithms
OCReract.jl29A simple Julia wrapper for Tesseract OCR
Octofitter.jl29Octofitter is a Julia package for performing Bayesian inference against direct images of exoplanets, relative astrometry, and astrometric acceleration of the host star.
LaMEM.jl29Julia interface to LaMEM (Lithosphere and Mantle Evolution Model)
ImageIO.jl28Load images in Julia. Designed for FileIO interaction. Supports PNG and Portable Bitmap formats
FaceDetection.jl28A face detection algorithm using Viola-Jones' rapid object detection framework written in Julia
Fable.jl28General purpose animations via iterated function systems
Reproduce.jl28What were my hyper-parameter settings again?
AstroImages.jl28Visualization of astronomical images
Imbalance.jl28A Julia toolbox with resampling methods to correct for class imbalance.
QuantumCollocation.jl27Quantum Optimal Control with Direct Collocation
Nbdev.jl27Create Julia packages from Notebooks
Eikonal.jl27Solvers for the Eikonal equation
AsyPlots.jl27A Julia package for making figures with Asymptote and Cairo
ParameterEstimation.jl27ParameterEstimation.jl is a Julia package for estimating parameters and initial conditions of ODE models given measurement data.
SequentialSamplingModels.jl27A unified interface for simulating and evaluating sequential sampling models in Julia.
CLEARSWI.jl27Improved susceptibility weighted imaging using multi-echo aquisitions
SOM.jl26Kohonen's self-organising maps for Julia
BosonSampling.jl26Boson sampling tools for Julia
Extremes.jl25Extreme value analysis package for Julia
SparkSQL.jl25SparkSQL.jl enables Julia programs to work with Apache Spark data using just SQL.
Metida.jl25Julia package for fitting mixed-effects models with flexible random/repeated covariance structure.
TestImages.jl25Commonly used test images
MriResearchTools.jl25Specialized tools for MRI
ComplexPhasePortrait.jl25Complex phase portraits for Julia.
OMETIFF.jl24I/O operations for OME-TIFF files in Julia
Pseudospectra.jl24Julia package for matrix pseudospectra and related quantities
AbstractPPL.jl24Common types and interfaces for probabilistic programming
GeoThermalCloud.jl24Geothermal Cloud for Machine Learning
MendelImpute.jl24OpenMendel package for haplotyping and imputation
PSSFSS.jl24Analysis of Polarization and Frequency Selective Surfaces
MHDFlows.jl24Three Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) pseudospectral solvers written in julia with FourierFlows.jl
Rimu.jl23Random Integrators for many-body quantum systems
UrlDownload.jl23Julia url downloader with progress meter
RegressionAndOtherStories.jl22Data and functions to support Julia projects based on the book "Regression and Other Stories" by Andrew Gelman, Jennifer Hill and Aki Vehtari.
Boscia.jl22Mixed-Integer Convex Programming: Branch-and-bound with Frank-Wolfe-based convex relaxations
FluxReconstruction.jl22Flux reconstruction method for advection-diffusion type physics
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