Dependency Packages
Gaugefields.jl9Utilities of gauge fields
FamaFrenchData.jl9Julia package providing access to the Fama-French data available on the Ken French Data Library
MultiScaleTreeGraph.jl9Read, analyse, compute, write and convert MTG files
LimberJack.jl8Auto-differentiable methods for Cosmology
FMIZoo.jl8FMIZoo.jl is a collection of testing and example FMUs ( for the Julia libraries FMI.jl and FMIFlux.jl.
ElemCo.jl8Julia implementation of various electron-correlation methods (main focus on coupled cluster methods).
VersatileHDPMixtureModels.jl8Code for our UAI '20 paper "Scalable and Flexible Clustering of Grouped Data via Parallel and Distributed Sampling in Versatile Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes"
RELOG.jl7RELOG: Reverse Logistics Optimization
NTFk.jl7Nonnegative Tensor Factorization + k-means clustering and physics constraints for Unsupervised and Physics-Informed Machine Learning
CompHENS.jl7Computational Tools for Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis
FMISensitivity.jl6Unfortunately, FMUs ( are not differentiable by design. To enable their full potential inside Julia, FMISensitivity.jl makes FMUs fully differentiable, regarding to: states and derivatives | inputs, outputs and other observable variables | parameters | event indicators | explicit time | state change sensitivity by event
PPLM.jl6A Julia based implementation of Plug and Play Language Models
EnergyCommunity.jl6Optimization of Energy Communities in Julia
FMIBase.jl5FMIBase.jl provides the foundation for the Julia packages FMIImport.jl and FMIExport.jl.
ModalDecisionLists.jl5Modal decision trees, but it's sequential covering.
OpenXL.jl5OpenXL is a lightweight package designed to easily read Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm files
TrillionDollarWords.jl5A small Julia package to facilitate working with the Trillion Dollar Words dataset.
SparseTransforms.jl5Julia implementations of coding-theoretic sparse Walsh-Hadamard and Fourier transforms
ReverseGeocode.jl4Quick offline reverse geocoding in Julia.
MoodleQuestions.jl4Package for Julia to manager questions for the Moodle learning framework
PlantGeom.jl4Everything 3D for plants 🌱
InferenceReport.jl4Generate nice reports from MCMC-based approximations
Docx.jl4A package to read Docx (Word) documents
SoleDecisionTreeInterface.jl4Sole interface for trees trained via JuliaAI/DecisionTree.jl.
DPMMSubClustersStreaming.jl4Code for our AISTATS '22 paper "Sampling in Dirichlet Process Mixture Models for Clustering Streaming Data"
LatticeDiracOperators.jl4Dirac operators for lattice QCD with Julia
HetaSimulator.jl4Simulation engine for Heta-based models
WiNDC.jl4WiNDC Build Stream created in Julia
DIVAnd_HFRadar.jl4High Frequency radar data interpolation with DIVAnd
NNHelferlein.jl3Little helpers for neural networks in the Knet ecosystem
PALEOcopse.jl3Julia version of the COPSE (Carbon, Oxygen, Phosphorus, Sulphur and Evolution) biogeochemical model.
RankedChoices.jl3Analyzing ranked/ordinal preference data.
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