Dependency Packages
NEFTInterface.jl3Interfacing NumericalEFT with TRIQS and other external packages.
NetworkJumpProcesses.jl3Julia package to facilitate the construction of JumpProblems on graphs.
NNHelferlein.jl3Little helpers for neural networks in the Knet ecosystem
NonconvexMetaheuristics.jl3Wrapper of Metaheuristics.jl using the Nonconvex.jl API.
OptiMimi.jl3Optimization for the Mimi.jl modeling framework
DerivableFunctions.jl3Backend-agnostic differentiation with symbolic pass-through in Julia.
ParametricOperators.jl3Scalable and distributed matrix-free abstractions for machine learning and scientific computing
PhysicsInformedML.jl3Physics-informed Machine Learning
PhysiologyAnalysis.jl3Julia package for opening and analyzing electrophysiological data
PianoHands.jl3(Experimental) Predicting hand assignments in piano MIDI using neural networks
Polymer.jl3A common interface to describe a polymer system.
PolynomialZeros.jl3Methods to find zeros (roots) of polynomials over given domains
CorticalSpectralTemporalResponses.jl3Spectral temporal filters banks for modeling A1, as described in Chi, Ru & Shamma 2005
CorticalParcels.jl3A Julia package supplying abstractions and operations for efficiently working with parcels, or regions of interest, on a CorticalSurface
RandomMatrixDistributions.jl3Specification and efficient samplers for several random matrix distributions, focusing on spiked models in real-valued data.
RasterHistograms.jl3Empirical distribution fitting for Rasters.jl.
ChebyshevFiltering.jl3A Julia package to perform large-scale sparse diagonalization.
RealPolyhedralHomotopy.jl3A package for finding real roots of systems of polynomial equations using polyhedral homotopy.
RFImpairmentsModels.jl3Digital baseband models for RF impairments, in Julia langage :)
CanopyOptics.jl3Tools for the computation of canopy optical parameters
RSDeltaSigmaPort.jl3Port of Richard Schreier's Delta Sigma Toolbox
SeaPearlExtras.jl3Non-critical functions for SeaPearl
SimpleCrop.jl3🌱 example of DSSAT-like crop model written in Cropbox
SimplePosetAlgorithms.jl3Additional algorithms for the SimplePoset type.
SpectralStatistics.jl3Numerical package for the computation and analysis of spectra and eigenvectors of quantum systems
Bactos.jl3Agent-based modeling framework for bacterial behavior, based on Agents.jl
BackgroundSubtraction.jl3A collection of background subtraction algorithms for spectroscopic data
StarFormationHistories.jl3Fitting astrophysical star formation histories via CMD modelling.
StateSpaceReconstruction.jl3State space reconstruction (SSR) for the study of dynamical system from time series.
SurveyDataWeighting.jl3Reweighting survey data so that it sums to some target totals.
SymbolicNeuralNetworks.jl3Analytic neural networks based on Symbolics.jl
TinyGibbs.jl3Tiny Gibbs sampler making use of AbstractMCMC.jl and MCMCChains.jl
ApproxFunSingularities.jl3Support for spaces with singularities in ApproxFun
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